PRP Facial

PRP Facial is the new use of a time-tested medical procedure for aesthetic purpose

PRP Facial

You’ve probably seen the photos on Facebook or Instagram: A celebrity or influencer’s face covered with blood splatter. No, it’s not Halloween makeup. It’s actually one of the latest skincare treatment trends, also known as a “vampire facial.” Celebrities are fans of this treatment, which might look rather scary, but boasts big-time results.

So, what is “vampire facial” or, to be more scientific – PRP Facial (PRP – abbreviation for platelet-rich plasma)? How does it work, exactly? Don’t let the name fool you. In fact, It’s usually done in the full light of day. To be serious: at Revitta, the treatment is a combination of a microneedling (DermaPen) with simultaneous application of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) followed by PRP microinjections into specific, more problematic face areas. The PRP is a portion of your blood with a high concentration of platelets. The platelets (or thrombocytes) are rich in growth factors, which stimulate cell activity when applied to the skin.

In simple terms: It’s a treatment that essentially uses your own blood to help promote your own skin cells’ healthy activity. Our blood is comprised of blood cells (red blood cells – erythrocytes, white blood cells – leukocytes, platelets or thrombocytes) and its liquid part – plasma. By removing red and white blood cells and concentrating platelets in a small amount of plasma we receive Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP.

As we mentioned, platelets contain large amounts of different growth factors, which essentially act as energy boots for our skin. This helps to optimize skin cells function, stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis while adding antioxidant and hydrating effects. Platelet-rich plasma is commonly used topically as part of a regular facial. We prefer to use PRP along with microneedling to enhance its penetration into the skin and to inject it into the skin in the same manner as mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid products.

Does it sound serious? Well, it sort of is. The treatment starts with venipuncture (a blood draw) to obtain the blood. But, it’s rather painless — aside from the first needle pinch.

We start the process with blood draw in a special tube, then running collected blood through a centrifuge to isolate and concentrate the platelets. You’ll then receive microneedling while your PRP is slathered across your face. This can be accompanied with or without PRP microinjection too. It sounds bloody and mysterious, but in fact, it is important to our evolving understanding of skin physiology and advanced techniques with which we can improve the quality of the skin.

As for recovery, usually, there is no downtime, and you’re ready to hit the streets immediately after treatment. You’ll emerge from the procedure a little bit red, almost like a sunburn, which means post-procedure skincare product and sunscreen are highly recommended. We discourage applying makeup, though.

Are you a PRP procedure candidate?

Most likely. Everyone with premature wrinkles, high levels of sun damage. Anyone who wants an even tone and texture as well as a fresher appearance to their skin is a good candidate for the treatment. However, if you have a history of blood clotting or bleeding disorders, you should not receive PRP treatment.

What about risks? There aren’t as many as you may imagine. In fact, the only risk you really run is bruising. Aside from the discomfort of a blood collection and bruising from injections or microneedling, the PRP treatment (or Vampire Facial if you wish) is “extremely safe, as it is your body’s own blood being recycled.

We recommend multiple treatments as they may be needed for optimal results. And treatments should be performed no more than once a month.

If you’re interested in learning how PRP Facial can help you look younger, please, schedule a consultation by calling Revitta: 212-535-1201 or click here to contact us